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Ebook Panduan Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli (Siri 1)

Makluman Terkini !!!

Perluang Perniagaan KEROPOK LEKOR jenama "AROMA" : Lekor Special KEROPOK LEKOR Keluaran Ainul Agrobased....hubungi kami...untuk info dan peluang niaga...

Selamat Tahun Baru 2010

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Kini tahun baru 2010 telah tiba...

Tahun 2010 merupakan tahun yang banyak dinantikan oleh banyak pihak...

Tahun yang diharap-harapkan...

Moga Tahun Baru 2010 ini memberikan sinar baru kepada semua terutama kepada penternak ikan keli....

Bersempena Tahun 2010, Kursus Asas Ternakan Ikan akan diteruskan dengan tambahan info dan yuran yang lebih mesra pengguna. Produk berasaskan ikan keli akan terus digiatkan dan akan menemui pengguna di Pasaraya Terkemuka Di Negeri Sarawak

Moga Kita Maju Jaya...

"Selamat Tahun Baru 2010" Read More..

Ikan Keli...oh Ikan Keli....lagi...

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Kebelakangan ini, agak sibuk sehingga tidak berkesempatan untuk UPDATE maklumat di blog ini. Almaklum baru berpindah ke rumah baru dan produk baru "keropok lekor" sedang giat di kilang dan diedarkan...

Dalam bulan 12 nie, banyak panggilan telefon diterima dan tidak kurang email bertanyakan sama ada pihak kami mahu membeli ikan penternak yang tidak membeli anak ikan/baja RatuKeli/mengikut kontrak...Jawapan kami mudah, jika kami memerlukan, kami akan beli (kerana tiada ikatan diantara syarikat dengan penternak)...Ini bergantung juga kepada sama ada ikan yang diternak makan makanan palet dan dipelihara dalam kolam selain kolam tanah...Jika ikut spesifikasi diatas, insyaAllah kami beli seperti mana kami telah membeli ikan-ikan dari daerah Simunjan dan ikan-ikan yang diternak tanpa kontrak dengan pihak kami.

So bagaimana? Adakah perlu menghentikan ternakan ikan keli?????

Jangan begitu...

Potensi ikan keli amat luas...

Yang tinggal adalah sama ada hendak mahupun tidak dan yang paling penting jangan bergantung harapan dengan mana-mana pihak (mengharap ikan dibeli dan terjual tanpa usaha untuk menjual/bersusah payah)

Mungkin ada yang masih tidak peka bahawa, ada dikalangan bumiputera telah menjual ikan keli di restoran-restoran di daerah kuching dengan harga RM6.00 sekilo dan penternak tersebut kekurangan ikan untuk dibekalkan...

Ikan keli salai pun masih kurang kenapa masih ternganga tidak tahu kemana hendak dijual ikan keli ???

Memang dalam tahun kebelakangan ini, ikan keli merupakan projek kerajaan dalam membantu mengurangkan kemiskinan terutama diluar bandar. Masalah sekarang adalah, apabila ikan sudah besar,...tidak tahu kemana hendak dijual....Nah....jadi masalah pula......Permasalahan utama adalah kerana mengharapkan agar ikan yang dijual dibeli....bukan salah kerajaan...tetapi masalah sikap.....mengharap agar dapat duit mudah....

Bagi mempelbagai penjanaan pendapatan melalui ikan keli, ikan keli hendaklah dijadikan END PRODUCT...Ya, jadikan barangan lain seperti PEKASAM, Ikan Salai, Fish Fillet, dll...
Disemenanjung Malaysia perkara ini telah agak lama telah diusahakan dan inilah peluang untuk melipat gandakan keuntungan melalui ikan keli...Jangan asyik mengharap ada pembeli datang hendak membeli ikan keli hidup sahaja...

Dipihak kami, bagi penternak ikan keli yang memelihara ikan keli dalam kolam selain kolam tanah dan ikan keli makan pelet....bersaiz 300 gram....anda boleh menjual kepada kami yang telah dibuang kepala dan perut pada harga RM4.30 sekilo... Peluang untuk anda menjual ikan keli kepada kami..."first come first serve"...

Hubungi Nazri 0128896321 untuk makluman lanjut.. Read More..


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Keropok Lekor Di Pasaran


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Keropok Lekor Keluaran Ainul Agrobased

Untuk makluman semua, pihak kami akan memulakan pemprosesan & pengeluaran Keropok Lekor berasaskan Ikan Keli dan berasaskan ikan-ikan lain yang terpilih mulai Disember 2009. Disamping itu juga, pelbagai produk lain turut akan dihasilkan berasaskan ikan keli.

Kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk menjadi pengedar KEROPOK LEKOR di seluruh Malaysia amnya, Sabah & Sarawak Khususnya, anda dialu-alukan dan boleh menghubungi kami mulai 1 Disember 2009.

Hubungi Bollhassan 012-8801565, Nazri 012-8896321 Husnul 019-8240091 Ema 013-5647042

Jadilah pengedar yang awal.

Salam hormat.

Nazri Read More..



Untuk Warga Sarawak



PRE-STARTER (2o Kg) = RM58.00
40% Protein

STARTER (20 kg) = RM55.00
32% Protein

Sila ke Pejabat Urusan Kami untuk mendapatkan stok pada harga tersebut..

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Diskaun Untuk Pelajar IPTA & IPTS bagi yang mengikuti Kursus Asas Siri-29

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InsyaAllah, sekali lagi kita akan mengadakan Kursus Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli yang Siri Ke-29 pada

Tarikh : 21 November 2009 (Sabtu)
Masa : 8.00 pagi - 4.00 petang
Tempat : Pejabat Urusan, Ainul Agrobased Sdn. Bhd (belakang E-Mart Kuching)
Yuran : RM150.00
Hubungi kami untuk maklumat lanjut.
Anda juga boleh memohon dengan mengisi borang permohonan secara online.
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Panduan Ternakan Keli 3 : Anak Ikan Lambat Membesar ka atau Penternak Yang Tak Tahu Nak Membesarkan Anak Ikan ???


Kini kita beralih kepada perkara ke-3 yang perlu kita ambil tahu. Anak Ikan lambat membesar kah? atau kita yang tak pandai membesarkan anak ikan ?

Ada banyak dikalangan penternak gagal membesarkan anak ikan pada masanya iaitu masa matang dalam tempoh 3 bulan. Apabila ikan lambat membesar, maka kos ternakan pun secara langsung akan turut meningkat. Ini lebih parah jika dalam 3 bulan ikan masih bersaiz 100-150 gram sahaja... Dan sekaligus........akan terngiang-ngiang ditelinga dan terpapar diminda penternak dek bisikan negatif....dan mulalah terpikir "anak ikan yang aku beli nih pasti jenis baka yang tak bagus nih, nyesal aku beli dari si XX or si YY, aku kena tipu nih."

Inilah kata-kata yang selalu didengar daripada penternak yang kecewa @ gagal dek kerana ikan masih kecil. Orang lain pelihara cepat besar, dia pulak pelihara tak besar-besar...Dan mulalah dia melarang orang lain dari membeli anak ikan dari si XX atau dari si YY atau akan menasihat orang lain agar jangan memelihara ikan keli.

Kenapa ini berlaku ? Salah ikan kah atau salah pemelihara ikan?

Memang ada benar nya ada juga baka ikan yang jenis lambat membesar dek kerana kawin adik beradik @ dari spesis yang berketurunan sama mahupun dari induk yang kurang matang. Tapi kebanyakan kes, bukan disebabkan oleh baka tetapi oleh kerana ikan kurang makanan yang boleh membantu mempercepatkan pertumbuhan badannya.

Ikan Keli akan mudah membesar apabila kandungan makanannya mempunyai kadar protin yang tinggi (selain daripada banyaknya makanan semulajadi dalam kolam). Jika kadar protin makanan cuma 5% atau 18%, memang patutpun anak ikan tidak membesar seperti yang diharapkan. Ini berlaku acapkali kerana penternak terlampau berjimat cermat dalam memberi makanan sehingga mengorbankan faktor pertumbuhan badan ikan. Memang protin yang tinggi dalam makanan mempunyai harga yang agak tinggi berbanding dengan makanan yang berprotin rendah. TETAPI, kadar pertumbuhannya adalah jauh lebih cepat.

Sanggupkah kita mengorbankan masa ternakan dek kerana harga makanan berprotin tinggi hanya berbeza dalam beberapa sen atau ringgit. Jika sanggup, maka hendaklah sanggup menternak ikan keli dalam tempoh jauh lebih lama berbanding penternak lain.

Maka kerana itu, perlu dipastikan protin dalam makanan ikan keli berada pada paras minima 32% dan keatas. Semakin tinggi protin semakin cepat ikan membesar. Ini disokong lagi jika dalam makanan ikan terdapat AZOMITE yang membantu meningkatkan lagi kadar pertumbuhan.

Selain daripada itu, faktor air ternakan juga memainkan peranan selain daripada faktor peratus protin makanan yang diberi. Air ternakan hendakalah dipastikan mempunyai hidupan akuatik yang optima sebagai makanan semulajadi ikan. Semakin mencapai paras optima makanan semulajadi dalam kolam, semakin bagus untuk pertumbuhan ikan.

Untuk itu, sila beri ikan anda makanan berprotin tinggi dan sila pastikan air ternakan mempunyai sumber makanan semulajadi yang optima. Perlu diberi perhatian bahawa, semakin rendah kandungan protin dalam makanan maka jangkamasa anda memelihara ikan keli anda akan jauh lebih lama berbanding penternak lain dan semakin lama anda menternak maka semakin bertambah kos yang anda tanggung.

Sampai jumpa lagi..fikir-fikirkan...

nazri Read More..

Kursus Asas Ternakan Siri-28

Alhamdulillah, kursus siri-28 telah berjaya dilaksana pada 31 Oktober 2009.

TAHNIAH kepada semua yang hadir dan moga sukses.

Untuk sebarang bantuan lanjutan dan nasihat berkenaan dengan ternakan sila hubungi kami.

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Panduan Ternakan Keli 2 : Antara Kolam & Ikan, mana lebih penting?


Selamat bertemu sekali lagi...

Moga Panduan Ternakan Keli 1 yang saya tulis beberapa hari lepas dapat membuka minda anda....

Sekarang ada persoalan yang perlu dimainkan diminda....Antara Kolam & Ikan, mana satu yang penting ? Kolam nya kah.... atau.... Ikan keli nya kah......?????

Kalau diamati kembali dan dikenang-kenang kembali perbualan dengan banyak bakal penternak mahupun penternak yang pernah ditemui, banyak yang lebih merisaukan tentang kolam dan bukannya ikan. Perkara ini lebih ketara kepada bakal penternak yang mencari-cari ilmu dan cara menternak dari mana-mana sumber dan orang yang mereka temui.

Kolam lebih diutama berbanding ikan. Perkara ini lebih ketara dipasaran sekarang lebih-lebih lagi apabila banyak pakej-pakej ternakan ditawarkan. Kesannya, ada yang menyatakan sistem ternakan ini lebih baik, itu kurang elok..Guna kanvas lebih baik, guna kolam simen ikan sejuk...dan macam-macam lagi sehinggakan cerita tentang ikan tidak penting, tetapi cerita kolam dan sistem lebih penting...

Persoalan sekarang adalah ...adakah kita ternak kolam atau kita ternak ikan?????

Ikan keli habitat semulajadinya dalam kolam tanah, sungai, bendang padi, dilopak air atau mana-mana tempat takungan air ....kecuali air terlampau masin....Jadi kenapa perlu soal, kolam mana sesuai, pakej kolam mana lebih bagus...

Jarang benar kedengaran persoalan, "bagaimana hendak mempastikan ikan hidup dan cepat membesar seperti yang dimaklumkan lebih kurang 3 bulan boleh dijual"...Yang selalu didengar, "ok kah ikan dipelihara dalam kolam simen"..."apa jenis kolam yang dipakai"...bagaimana nak buat kolam?...

Persoalan yang kerap didengar seolah-olah macam kolam lebih penting daripada ikan. Memang tidak dinafikan, kolam memainkan peranan dalam mencapai matlamat memelihara ikan keli, tetapi yang merisaukan adalah faktor kolam terlampau dominan sehinggakan pembinaan kolam menjadi batu penghalang bagi tujuan asal memelihara ikan keli. Sepatutnya, penekanan dan persoalan puncak berkisar kepada bagaimana memelihara ikan keli agar hidup dan cepat membesar (tanpa dilupa KeHALALAN ikan keli).

Memandangkan ikan keli adalah ikan yang tahan lasak maka kolam ternakan bukan faktor utama kejayaan ternakan. Waima, plastik lutsinar seperti plastik tempat balutan buku sekolah pun boleh dijadikan kolam ternakan. Inikan pula kalau ada kanvas BIRU OREN dijadikan sebagai kolam, maka ianya lebih tahan lama.

Disini yang kita cuba tekankan adalah IKAN lebih penting berbanding jenis KOLAM. BerFikir tentang bagaimana mempastikan berapa banyak ikan boleh dibeli dan bagaimana mempastikan peratus tinggi jumlah ikan keli boleh hidup adalah kunci kejayaan dan bukannya dengan mengeluarkan MODAL yang amat besar dengan membuat kolam. Ini lah yang menyebabkan ada sesetengah bakal penternak gagal. Ini kerana duit beribu ringgit diguna hanya untuk membuat kolam, akhirnya duit untuk membeli ikan dan makanan ikan tidak difikirkan...

Sampai bertemu lagi...selamat menternak...
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Hari Terakhir Di Karnival Jualan Mega

Hari ini merupakan hari ke-3 dan terakhir di sini.

Datanglah ke booth kami di No 10, perkarangan Plaza Astana.

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Temui Kami Di Karnival Jualan MEGA di perkarangan PLAZA ISTANA

Di Karnival Jualan MEGA kali ini kami menawarkan harga menarik untuk barangan keperluan ternakan ikan keli disamping diskaun untuk kursus asas ternakan siri 28 pada 31 Oktober 2009.


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Panduan Ternakan Keli 1 : Jika ada duit RM50, ternak cara RM50


Salam hormat...

Seperti yang dijanjikan, kami akan memberikan panduan secara berkala terutama kepada penternak baru mahupun penternak berpengalaman agar dapat di tambah pengetahuan dan dikongsi bersama. Anda bebas untuk memberi komen dan pandangan jika anda ada kelapangan agar dapat dikongsi bersama..

Perkara pertama yang wajib di di fikirkan terlebih dahulu sebelum menternak adalah berkenaan dengan modal. Kenapa modal ?

Acapkali diwar-warkan dan di dengar bahawa ternakan ikan keli ini kos nya besar, perlu guna kanvas kerana kanvas lebih bagus dan berkualiti, ada yang kata perlu ada sistem pengudaraan, ada pula yang kata perlu guna tangki konkrit dan lain-lain. Secara kesimpulannya, yang dikata orang adalah menternak ikan keli perlukan modal yang besar jika mahu berjaya atau jika mahu menternak. Itu kata orang!!!

Pada hakikat sebenar adalah kita menternak ikan keli, iaitu ikan yang terbiar dan hidup di alam yang tidak mewah seperti dalam parit, longkang, di sawah padi dan dikawasan air bertakung yang lain...jadi kenapa perlua modal yang besar seperti yang sering kita dengar???

Hakikat sebenar adalah untuk menternak ikan keli, modal yang perlu adalah apa yang ada ditangan. Jika ada RM50, maka ternak cara RM50. Bagaimana ???boleh ker??? Berdasarkan apa yang telah kami lakukan dan diikuti oleh kebanyakan penternak yang berhubung dengan kami, kolam ikan keli boleh dibina dengan modal serendah RM8.00 sahaja untuk satu kolam. Selebihnya untuk membeli anak ikan dan makanan ikan.

Bagaimana ? Untuk kolam ikan, belilah plastik yang kebiasaan digunakan untuk pembinaan. Kebiasaan di Kuching, ianya berharga RM8.00 se-kilo. Dan kebiasaan 1 se-kilo panjangnya 10 kaki dengan lebar 8 kaki. Boleh ker? Tahan ker? Berdasarkan pengalaman penternak yang berjaya menternak dengan kaedah tersebut, ianya tidak mendatangkan masalah kerana ikan boleh membesar sehingga saiz 200-250 gram dengan hanya dalam plastik ini. Rangka untuk kolam pula binalah dengan kayu terbuang atau apa sahaja yang dapat menjadikan plastik tersebut dapat menakung air. Kan kah dapat jimatkan kos...

Itu yang dikatakan jika cuma ada modal serendah RM50, maka ternaklah dengan cara RM50. Lainlah jika anda bermodal lebih besar misalnya RM200, anda bolehlah memikirkan untuk membeli kanvas (nipis atau tebal terpulang kepada modal anda) dan jadikan sebagai tempat takungan air..Ya, jadikan tempat takungan air...apabila dimaksudkan tempat takungan air, ianya boleh berbentuk bermacam-macam dan tak perlulah SKEMA sangat nak jadikan ia berbentuk segi empat sahaja. Jika ada modal lebih besar lagi, terpulanglah kepada anda jika hendak guna tong PVC atau tangki konkrit...tetapi yang penting dapat menangkung air dan KOS RENDAH sebab kita nak ternak ikan keli bukan nak beri kediaman mewah kepada ikan keli...hehe..

Selebihnya, gunakan duit yang ada untuk membeli anak ikan dan makanan untuk anak ikan...dan tak lupa beli anti klorin jika anda menggunakan air paip...

Sampai jumpa laigi untuk panduan seterusnya...INGAT, jika ada duit RM50, so ternak cara RM50...tak perlu diikut orang lain yang berbelanja besar...sebab yang penting ikan boleh berenang dan hidup dalam air....

Jika kami telah berjaya dengan cara ini, anda pun boleh...kecualilah anda tak nak....SAMPAI JUMPA LAGI... Read More..




Pihak kami akan mulai membuka booth di hadapan Plaza Astana, Kuching... mulai esok 23-25 Oktober 2009.

Anda boleh mendapatkan bekalan anak ikan keli dan bekalan baja makanan ikan keli HALAL di sana dengan harga istimewa...

Bagi yang belum mengikuti kursus, peluang untuk anda menghadiri kursus pada harga diskaun di berikan.

Datanglah beramai-ramai ke booth kami... Read More..


Seperti yang telah dimaklumkan sebelum ini, Kursus Asas Ternakan Siri Ke 28 telah ditunda kepada tarikh baru iaitu pada 31 Oktober 2009. Harap Maklum. Bagi yang telah mendaftar pastikan anda hadir pada 31 Oktober 2009 jam 8.30 pagi di Pejabat Urusan Ainul Agrobased (belakang e-mart, matang)
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kursus asas ternakan

Untuk makluman semua, Kursus Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli Untuk Siri-28 yang dilangsungkan pada 17 Oktober 2009 (Sabtu) akan DITUNDA pada 31 Oktober 2009 kerana terdapat kesulitan.

Kami ingin memohon maaf diatas perkara berikut.

Jika anda berminat untuk mengikuti kursus ini anda boleh menghubungi kami
bertempat di Pejabat Urusan Ainul Agrobased bermula pada jam 8 pagi.

Bagi yang berminat, anda boleh mula untuk mengisi borang permohonan ONLINE mulai sekarang DAFTAR KURSUS. Bagi mengenalpasti lokasi kursus, sila Klik LOKASI KAMI

akan diberikan kepada PELAJAR IPT dan PESARA KERAJAAN diberikan bagi Kursus Siri-28 kali ini...Sila bawa kad pelajar/kad pesara anda semasa mendaftar...
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Panduan Ternakan


Mulai Oktober 2009, Panduan Ternakan ikan keli secara Simple & Step-t0-Step akan disiarkan dilaman blog ini setiap minggu bagi merancakkan lagi minat dan bagi memberikan maklumat berguna kepada pembaca laman blog ini.

Panduan 1 akan disiarkan pada 07 Oktober 2009 dan panduan seterusnya akan disusuli setiap isnin, insyaAllah...

Anda digalakkan untuk berinteraksi dengan memberikan komen pada setiap panduan yang diberikan agar pihak kami dan rakan-rakan lain di internet yang mempunyai input lebih bagus dapat memberikan respons dan tunjuk ajar.

Moga panduan yang bakal dilancarkan kelak dapat membantu semua penternak baru mahupun yang sedia ada telah menternak... Read More..



Untuk makluman semua, Kursus Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli Untuk Siri-28 (Yang ditangguh sebelum ini) akan dilangsungkan pada 17 Oktober 2009 (Sabtu) bertempat di Pejabat Urusan Ainul Agrobased bermula pada jam 8 pagi.

Bagi yang berminat, anda boleh mula untuk mengisi borang permohonan ONLINE mulai sekarang DAFTAR KURSUS. Bagi mengenalpasti lokasi kursus, sila Klik LOKASI KAMI

akan diberikan kepada PELAJAR IPT dan PESARA KERAJAAN diberikan bagi Kursus Siri-28 kali ini...Sila bawa kad pelajar/kad pesara anda semasa mendaftar...
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Aidil Fitri Datang lagi....tawaran untuk anda...

Kami di RatuKeli.Com mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua pelanggan kamidan pengunjung setia laman BLOG Ratukeli ini.

Bersempena dengan syawal yang bakal tiba, pihak kami akan mengadakan Kursus Berkaitan dengan ternakan ikan keli untuk sesi yang seterusnya...

Bagi anda yang berminat dan ingin menggalakkan orang kampung atau kawasan anda menternak ikan keli sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan anda boleh bekerjasama dengan kami dalam menganjurkan kursus ditempat anda...

Untuk kursus dikawasan Kuching, kami akan menawarkan kadar kursus dengan kadar yang berpatutan khusus kepada LEPASAN GRADUAN UNIVERSITI atau INSTITUSI PENGAJIAN TINGGI...

Nantikan info lanjut dari kami...

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN... Read More..

Link Untuk Download Pengiraan Makanan Ikan


Seperti yang dijanjikan berikut merupakan link untuk download bagi kiraan makanan ikan keli secara SAMPLING - PERCUMA untuk PEMBACA laman Ini bagi memudahkan penternak mengira makanan agar tidak terlebih dan terlampau kurang.

File dalam bentuk ms excel 2007

Sila download di sini (pastikan anda unzip dahulu setelah di SAVE)

Moga dapat membantu penternak sekalian...
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KALKULATOR Pengiraan Makanan Ikan Keli Sehari

Banyak penternak yang masih kabur dengan berapa banyak makanan ikan keli perlu diberi makan setiap hari. Ini yang menyebabkan ikan keli KURANG MAKAN atau LEBIH MAKANAN.

Bagi memudahkan anda,kami akan upload KALKULATOR bagi mengira jumlah makanan yang perlu berdasarkan kaedah sampling. ANDA boleh download atau menggunakannya terus secara PERCUMA.

Link download boleh diperoleh di laman atau di mulai 5 Sep 2009

Be our affiliate and earn RM20 commission for every sales and get RM100 bonus for every 10 sales. JOINT NOW at Read More..


Sempena Syawal yang bakal tiba,kami akan memberi RM100 sebagai Bonus Raya kepada Ahli Affiliate EBook Panduan Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli yang berjaya menjual setiap selang 10 buah ebook mulai 01-18 September 2009. Ini bermakna jika anda jual 20 ebook maka BONUS RAYA anda adalah RM200.

Disamping itu juga, komisyen jualan akan dinaikkan kepada RM20 bagi setiap jualan.

Jika anda berjaya menjual 10 ebook maka anda akan menerima RM200 komisyen (10xRM20) + Bonus Raya RM100 = RM300, jika dapat jual 30 ebook maka anda dapa RM600 komisyen + Bonus Raya RM300 = RM900

Bagi yang belum menyertai Affiliate Ebook Panduan Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli,anda boleh mendaftar di dan sila scrol ke bawah laman web dan klik JADI TEAM AFFILIATE KAMI.

'Hepi Selling' , 'Selamat berpuasa' & 'Selamat Hari Raya' Read More..

EM untuk cepatkan ikan membesar?! (Info dari lawatan kami)

Seperti yang dimakumkan sebelum ini,kami telah pergi melawat perniagaan/ternakan/usaha rakan baru kami dan perkara yang menjadi fokus adalah berkenaan EM.

Apabila bertemu kembali dengan beliau,kami dimaklumkan bahawa EM mereka (harga RM100+) mampu memulihkan air dan dinyatakan tidak MATI atau boleh hidup lama.
Meleset keinginan kami yang ingin melihat EM yang dapat membantu mempercepat pembesaran ikan,rupanya fungsi EM tersebut sama seperti yang kami miliki. Yang menarik hati kami cuma apabila diberitahu EM juga dapat diguna untuk membuat Moina (kami menunggu jemputan untuk belajar dengan mereka tentang ini). MOGA perkara ini benar dan jika benar maka mudahlah untuk kita semua membiak moina untuk makanan semulajadi ikan keli.

P.s. EM yang kami jual boleh didapati dengan harga RM10 (200 gram) Read More..

Ikan Keli LAMBAT Membesar?!!

Lambat membesar?? Acapkali perkara ini kami dengar dan apabila di soal selidik benda yang hampir sama dijawab...

Kebiasaan soalan kami adalah berkaitan dengan Jenis Makanan terutama kandungan protein,air hijau, air selepas grading
& kualiti air.

Rata-rata yang memelihara ikan yang 'lambat membesar' gemar membeli makanan jenis palet yg murah. Kebiasaannya,semakin murah palet maka semakin kurang kandungan Protein. Semakin rendah protein, semakin lambatlah ikan membesar. PALET MURAH selalunya jenis Finisher. Jenis ini kebiasaannya 18% kandungan protein. Ianya adalah lebih sesuai untuk ikan bersaiz 500 gram keatas dan tidak sesuai untuk ikan yang bersaiz 1-3 inci mahupun yang belum sampai berat 200 gram.

Kesilapan utama yang menyebabkan ikan lambat membesar adalah kerana faktor pemakanan ini. Penternak cuba untuk menjimatkan kos memberi makan yang akhirnya mengorbankan masa pembesaran.

Sebaiknya ikan diberi makan makanan berprotein tinggi. Jika masih bersaiz 1-3 inci berilah yang berprotein 40% keatas. Jika 4 inci keatas berilah makanan berprotein 32%. Ini kerana ikan yang masih kecil amat perlukan protein untuk membesar. Semakin cepat ikan membesar, maka semakin kurang kos penternakan secara amnya.

Perkara kedua adalah berkenaan air hijau. Air hijau membantu menghasilkan oksigen dalam air dan menggalakkan pertumbuhan makanan semulajadi seperti ZOOPLANKTON. Kandungan oksigen yang optima dan zooplankton yang banyak membantu pertumbuhan ikan dengan cepat. Tambahan pula air hijau dapat melindungi ikan dari terdedah dari pancaran terus cahaya matahari. Perlu diberi perhatian bahawa, setelah di grading pun,air hijau masih diperlukan dan dipastikan. JANGAN BIAR air yang tidak hijau diguna selepas grading. Ada dikalangan penternak membuang air hijau dan mengguna air paip setelah grading. Ini mengganggu pemakanan semulajadi ikan dan menyebabkan ikan kurang selera makan sehinggalah air kembali menjadi hijau.

Disamping itu, kualiti air turut memain peranan. Air yang punya pH yang terlampau tinggi dan rendah akan menyebabkan ikan kurang selera makan. Paras Ammonia yang tinggi dan suhu yang rendah pun mengakibatkan kesan yang sama. Jika perkara yang disebutkan berlaku sudah tentu ikan lambat membesar dan yang paling parah adalah berlakunya kematian.

Faktor diatas antara perkara yang boleh menyebabkan ikan keli lambat membesar selain kualiti anak benih ikan yang dibeli. Jika perkara diatas dapat diselesaikan dan dihindari khususnya soal peratus protein yang diberi dan air hijau, kebiasaannya ikan keli akan mencapai saiz 200-300 gram dalam tempoh 3 bulan sahaja.

p.s. SEMPENA RAMADHAN DAN SYAWAL INI, pihak kami menawarkan harga istimewa untuk BAJA RATUKELI 20 KG di Sarawak, PreStarter 40% protein + Azomite (RM74), Starter 32% protein + Azomite (RM67). Di Semenanjung Malaysia,PreStarer (RM58),Starter (RM55)

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Salam Ramadhan

Ramadhan telah tiba sekali lagi..Ada yang menanti nya dengan lapang hati dan ada yang berdebar hati..Bagi yang oportunis, ramadhan merupakan ruang untuk penambahan pendapatan.

Moga ramadhan memberikan sinar baru dan harapan yang lebih baik. Moga jua pendapatan melalui ternakan keli terus mengkat,stabil dan berterusan..

Selamat berpuasa dari kami di

ps. jangan beri ikan makan berlebihan krn makanan berlebihan punca ammonia..formula kiraan makanan yang perlu diberi makan sehari, berat purata seekor x jumlah ikan x peratus makanan yang hendak diberi ikut berat badan (cth: 10 gram x 1000 ekor x 4%) Read More..

Awas Tentang Penggunaan "Malachite Green"


Semasa menghadiri Bengkel Pengurusan Makanan pada bulan lepas, kami dimaklumkan oleh salah seorang fasilitator bahawa kedengaran segelintir penternak ikan keli menggunapakai Melasit Hijau "Malachite Green"bagi tujuan ternakan ikan keli terutama bagi meningkatkan kepadatan ikan keli dalam tangki ternakan dan menjadikan tahan penyakit. Bahan kimia tersebut telah lama di "ban" kerana bahaya nya kepada kesihatan manusia terutama penyebab kepada Kanser..

Atas keperihatinan tersebut, disini kami paparkan sebahagian beberapa artikel berkenaan perkara tersebut. Untuk mencari sendiri artikel di internet anda boleh menaip "ban of melachite green" pada ruangan search
From The London Evening Standard, 16th December 2002

The European Commission has said that if its inspectors continue to detect the carcinogenic substance in British salmon, it will take drastic action.

The threat comes after Government officials found that three per cent of farmed salmon contained residues of malachite green. The highly toxic chemical is used to protect salmon from fungal infections, but has been banned in Britain since June because it is both mutagenic and carcinogenic.

The Government says any residues found since June are not a breach of the law but are caused by salmon swimming in water which was polluted before the ban. However, both the EC and environmental groups argue that no residues should be found because the Government has been aware of the threat to health for up to a decade and was frequently warned that it was not authorised for use in Europe.

The British ban was only introduced after EC officials visited in April, and discovered malachite green in 20 per cent of farmed salmon.

Yesterday, the European Commission said Britain had "no time left" to sort out the problem.
If malachite green continued to be found in use, it would start infringement proceedings against Britain similar to those launched against the French when they refused to sell British beef.

A spokeswoman for David Byrne, the European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, said they were tired of Britain failing to enforce the rules.

"Britain has no time left to sort this out," the spokeswoman said. "This substance should not have been around in the first place. If it continues to be used we will be forced to ban the export of salmon and start proceedings to fine Britain."

Environmental campaigners are furious that the Government allowed the health of consumers to be at risk. The US government banned malachite green in 1991 and the Department of Health is well aware of its dangers. But the cost of the chemical is 20 times less than other antifungal treatments, making it popular with many fish farmers.

Don Staniford, head of the Salmon Farm Protest Group (, believes consumers should avoid salmon products: "Shoppers should steer clear of cheap and nasty farmed salmon this Christmas," he said.

"With it contaminated with malachite green and a cocktail of other cancer-causing chemicals, consumers would get more than they bargained for."

Last night, the Food Standards Agency washed its hands of the issue.

However, the FSA has been concerned about the problem. An FSA statement in June read: Although we welcome the steps that have been taken we remain convinced this issue would have been sorted out much earlier if surveys had been carried out at a retail level and information provided so that consumers could see which products were likely to contain residues."

Last night, Defra said that the residue of malachite green could be found in water up to five years after it had stopped being used: "Since the ban in June, we have had four samples out of 119 salmon samples test positive. This does not mean the farmers were using it as it could be in the water from before the ban. We will prosecute anyone found breaking the law."
Source :

Canadian group issues warning about fish imported from Vietnam09/Dec/2005 newstarget.comDec 12, 2005 - 8:03:00 AM

The Consumer Association of Canada is urging the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to ban the import of Vietnamese fish found to be tainted with Malachite green, a fungicide suspected of causing cancer.
Fish imported from Vietnam and used commonly in Asian dishes have tested positive for a banned form of fungicide.
Malachite green, which some tests have shown to cause cancer, created serious consumer concerns in Hong Kong last summer when it was found in fish imported from China.
The fungicide is banned in imported fish, with zero tolerance for any sign of the industrial dye, used regularly until the early 1990s in hatcheries to treat fungal and parasitic infections on fish eggs, fish and shellfish and as a general disinfectant.
The Consumer Association of Canada is calling for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to ban the import of farmed fish immediately as a result of the test findings.
"We're suggesting that until CFIA gets this sorted out in a way that will guarantee no MG gets into food sold here, that they ban it entirely," said Bruce Cran, president of the association.
Exposure to malachite green leads to temporary or non-life-threatening health consequences, according to Health Canada, and the probability of serious adverse consequences is considered remote.
Nonetheless, CFIA has increased its monitoring of imported aquaculture products from Vietnam and China after a small sample showed nearly 50% contained malachite green.
CFIA began testing for the chemical in 2002, and since the end of September has tested all farmed fish from those countries.
"We take anything that is a potential health risk seriously," said Stephen Stephen, the national manager of technical standards in the fish, seafood and production division of the agency.
Stephen said the agency would have put out an alert if Health Canada had informed the CFIA that MG poses a serious and immediate health risk.
Because the fish is sometimes sold frozen, Stephen said, the CFIA is attempting to contact suppliers and sellers to advise of the potential risk.
Original source:
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Stok Anak Ikan Keli Telah Mencukupi



Stok untuk anak ikan keli telah mencukupi untuk permintaan semasa. InyaAllah akan diperhebatkan lagi agar dapat menampung permintaan daripada seluruh Sarawak.
Orderlah sekarang..........

Anak ikan keli :

1 inci : 10 sen
2 inci : 20 sen
3 inci : 30 sen
Hubungi pihak kami bagi tujuan penghantaran stok di luar kawasan Kuching/luar Sarawak Read More..

Effective Microbe (EM) Untuk Cepatkan Ikan BESAR ???

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Cuaca yang agak panas dek kesan jerebu yang masih melanda amat memeritkan. Namun begitu, usaha ternakan ikan keli berterusan dan perlu diteruskan kerana permintaan terutamanya anak benih ikan melebihi kemampuan pihak kami.
Bukan setakat kerana permintaan yang melampau, tetapi juga kerana ruang ternakan anak ikan yang dulu memadai tetapi kini boleh dianggap tidak mencukupi bagi menghasilkan sejumlah permintaan yang melampau. Anak ikan yang kematian juga merupakan antara faktor penyebab bekalan berkurangan.
Hari ini juga, secara kebetulan, kami bertemu dengan seorang kenalan baru berbangsa cina yang kebetulan menunggu kedai mengail udang (dibawah pejabat kami) dibuka. Rupanya beliau amat berminat dalam aktiviti mengail terutamanya mengail udang. Sembang punya sembang, berbicara juga berkenaan dengan ternakan ikan keli.
Melalui perbualan kami, tersingkap satu perkara berkenaan EM. Kebiasaannya, kami menggunapakai EM sebagai wacana untuk menjimatkan kos penggunaan air kerana EM mampu mengelakkan air kolam dan ikan berbau hanyir. Melalui perbualan kami, barulah kami sedari bahawa EM boleh juga digunakan bagi mempercepatkan pertumbuhan anak ikan.
Kami bercadang untuk pergi ke kolam beliau dan melihat sendiri kaedah penggunaan EM yang beliau sebutkan agar dapat dikongsi bersama kepada pembaca di Moga dengan adanya input baru ini dapat membantu kita dalam mempercepatkan masa ternakan dan mengurangkan jumlah kadar kematian ikan kepada paras paling minima.
Tunggu info daripada kami setelah melawat ke kawasan kolam tersebut pada hujung minggu ini..
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Pembenihan Anak Ikan Keli

INDUSTRI TERNAKAN IKAN KELI terutama di Sarawak telah pergi ke satu fasa baru dimana permintaan untuk anak benih melampaui pengeluaran.

Ini didorong oleh minat dan kesedaran masyarakat berkenaan potensi daya maju serta pemasaran kendiri industri ini. Dari sudut negatif pula kekurangan anak benih disebabkan oleh kegagalan pembenihan disebabkan kekurangan ilmu dan kurangnya jumlah penternak yg mahir melakukan pembenihan sendiri.

Berdasarkan kesedaran bahawa anak benih amat sukar didapati dan harga anak benih yg kadangkala terlampau tinggi,maka Ainul Agrobased menawarkan Kursus Asas Pembenihan ikan keli selama 2 hari. KURSUS seterusnya diadakan pada 15-16 Ogos 2009. Kursus secara amali ini bakal menjadikan peserta kursus mampu melakukan sendiri setelah tamat kelak. Bagi yg berminat,anda bole mendaftarkan diri secara terus di Hanya 10 peserta untuk setiap kursus.

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Penternakan Ikan Keli


Bagaimana dengan ikan keli anda ?????

Banyak yang mati atau masih banyak yang hidup?????

Kematian ikan keli memang tidak dapat dielakkan TETAPI dapat dikurangkan..Almaklum, benda hidup....

So, bagaimana?

Kaedah utama yang perlu diambil perhatian adalah penjagaan Kualiti Air. Ikan keli merupakan ikan yang tahan lasak tetapi sensitif. Maka oleh itu, perhatian keatas kualiti air seperti tahap pH, Ammonia (NH3), Oksigen Terlarut (DO), Klorin, dan Suhu WAJIB diambil perhatian serius.

Berikut merupakan tahap/parameter yang sesuai bagi yang dimaklumkan diatas:

pH (6.5-8.5)
NH3 (0 - 0.025)
DO (> 4 ppt)
Klorin (zero @ o)
Suhu (26 - 32 darjah celsius)

Selain itu, makanan ikan keli perlu dipastikan tidak terlebih dan terlampau kurang. Jika terlebih, sila buang lebihan makanan dari dasar kolam atau yang terampai dipermukaan kolam..

Selamat Maju Jaya


1.Kursus Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli pada 15 Ogos 2009 (RM150)
2.Kursus Asas Pembenihan Ikan Keli pada 15-16 Ogos 2009 (RM450)
3.Jika ambil ke dua-dua Kursus (RM550) Read More..

Kursus Asas Pembenihan

Pada 01-02 Ogos 09,kursus asas pembenihan yang pertama telah di adakan secara teori dan praktikal.

Pada hari pertama, kursus bermula pada jam 4ptg - 8mlm. Teori dan praktikal pembenihan dibuat. Peserta melakukan sendiri pemilihan ikan,suntikan hormon,penyediaan kolam dan peralatan perlu denagan bimbingan dari pihak Ainul Agrobased.

Pada hari ke 2,setelah ikan merembeskan telur, peserta secara praktikal menguruskan kolam dan pemindahan telur dan induk. Peserta juga di ajar berkenaan pemakanan larva ikan,kualiti air dan pengurusan anak ikan harian.

SYABAS kepada Puan Siti dan En Nadzari kerana telah berjaya mengikuti kursus julung kali ini. Pn Siti akan menjadi pengeluar anak benih ikan keli bagi pihak Ainul Agrobased di Sibu dan kawasan sekitar.

KURSUS ASAS PEMBENIHAN KE 2 akan di adakan pada 15-16 Ogos 09. YURAN RM450 shj. TERHAD KPD 10 PESERTA SAHAJA

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PETA Baru Ke Pejabat & Pusat Jualan Anak Ikan Keli Milik Ainul Agrobased

KLIK pada PETA untuk melihat lebih jelas..

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Pembelian Anak Ikan Keli Matang


Pihak kami telah banyak kali menerima panggilan telefon oleh para penternak (yang tidak terikat dengan kontrak) yang mereka mahu menjual balik ikan yang telah bersaiz 250gram-300 gram. Setelah dipersetujui oleh pihak kami, penternak tidak pula hadir walaupun seharian pihak kami menunggu. Kes ini telah berlaku sebanyak 5 kali dan kami mohon kepada penternak yang benar-benar mahu menjual ikan keli mereka agar menepati persetujuan ataupun memaklumkan semula kepada kami jika membatalkan hasrat mereka.
Pihak kami berharap moga perkara ini tidak berulang lagi.
Selamat Menternak
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Update : Kursus Asas Ternakan & Asas Pembenihan Ikan Keli


Tarikh Kursus Siri 27 pada 01 - 02 Ogos 2009
Kini Kami Mempunyai Modul Kursus 3 dalam 1 merangkumi.

Modul 1 : Kursus Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli & Asas Pembenihan
Ikan Keli
Tempoh : 2 Hari
Tarikh : 01-02 Ogos 2009
Masa : 8.00 am - 7.00 pm ( Hari 1)
8.00 am - 12.00 pm (Hari 2)
Yuran : RM550

Modul 2 : Kursus Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli Sahaja
Tempoh : 1 hari
Tarikh : 01 Ogos 2009
Masa : 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Yuran : RM150

Modul 3 : Kursus Asas Pembenihan Ikan Keli Sahaja
Tempoh : 2 hari
Tarikh : 01 - 02 Ogos 2009
Masa : 3.00 pm - 7.00 pm (hari 1)
8.00 am - 12.00 pm (hari 2)
Yuran : RM450
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dengan tawaran Kontrak Belian Balik
akan di adakan
pada 1 - 2 Ogos 2009
bertempat di
Pejabat Urusan dan Pusat Ternakan Ikan Keli Ainul Agrobased
Yuran Kursus RM550.00
terhad kepada 80 orang pertama sahaja
Kursus Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli Sahaja : RM150
Kursus Asas Pembenihan Ikan Keli Sahaja : RM450
Bollhassan 012-8801565, Emma 013-5647042,
Husnul 016-8163751, Nazri 012-8896321, Zul 019-8906442
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RATUKELI DI BOOTH D9, DI WATERFRONT KUCHING DARI 25-28 JUN. Jualan promosi e-book panduan asas ternakan ikan keli siri 1 dalam bentuk CD di booth ratukeli hanya RM30 sahaja. Promosi BAJA PRESTARTER 20Kg :RM74, STARTER 20Kg RM67. Baja,Bahan: rawatan ikan, ikan keli, promosi kursus ternakan siri 26 turut di adakan. Datang beramai-ramai.
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Booth RatuKeli boleh di Kunjungi di booth D9 exspo IAT 2009,di dataran Waterfront Kuching Sarawak mulai 25-28 Jun 2009. HARGA PROMOSI Baja Ratukeli dan E-book ditawarkan. DATANG LAH RAMAI RAMAI
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4 JULAI 2009
Datanglah beramai-ramai...
Kami juga ada menyediakan tawaran Contract Farming kepada
setiap perserta.. dan kami juga ada menjual
E-book Panduan Asas Menternak Ikan Keli [siri 1] kepada setiap peserta
dengan harga yang berpatutan...
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PaMeran kaMi di WaterFronT PaDa 25-28 Jun 2009


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Daun Kapal Terbang

Seperti yang dimaklumkan dalam kursus-kursus sebalum ini, disini dipaparkan gambar bagi daun kapal terbang yang merupakan antara ramuan bagi rawatan air, selain EM,daun ubi kayu dan garam kasar.

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6 JUNE 2009
Datanglah beramai-ramai...
Kami juga ada menyediakan tawaran Contract Farming kepada
setiap perserta.. dan kami juga ada menjual
E-book Panduan Asas Menternak Ikan Keli [siri 1] kepada setiap peserta
dengan harga yang berpatutan...
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Berita@Kosmo - Sumber Keli Tidak Halal

'Kita hanya jual di luar Perak' - Ternak ikan keli untuk ‘membersihkan’ air kumbahan dari ladang babi

SEORANG penduduk, Azmi Yunus menunjukkan salah satu kolam ternakan ikan keli yang menggunakan air kumbahan babi di sebuah kawasan dekat Ipoh semalam.

IPOH - Sanggupkah anda menjamah hidangan ikan keli yang membesar dengan zat air kumbahan dari ladang babi?

Jika tidak, anda harus memastikan ikan keli yang dimakan selepas ini bukan diternak di salah satu daripada 10 kolam ternakan itu yang diusahakan bersebelahan sebuah ladang ternakan babi di negeri ini.

Bagi penduduk berhampiran, penternakan ikan keli oleh pengusaha ladang tersebut tidak lebih sekadar untuk 'membersihkan' air sisa kumbahan babi sebelum ia dilepaskan ke saliran utama berhampiran beberapa kawasan perumahan di situ.

Wartawan dan jurugambar Kosmo! yang berjaya memasuki ladang tersebut semalam, terkejut melihat air kolam-kolam ternakan itu berwarna hijau lumut dan keadaannya jauh berbeza dengan air kolam ternakan ikan keli di tempat lain.

Menurut seorang lelaki yang mendakwa pemilik ladang babi tersebut, ikan-ikan keli yang diternak di kawasan seluas empat hektar itu bukan untuk pasaran tempatan sebaliknya untuk dijual di luar Perak.

"Kita tidak jual sini, semua luar Perak. Sini susah, orang dekat sini sudah bising pasal ladang (babi)," katanya yang enggan dikenali.

Dia enggan menjelaskan di mana ikan keli terbabit dipasarkan tetapi mengakui benih-benih ikan itu diperoleh daripada seorang pemborong di sini.

"Kenapa banyak tanya, saya kata kita tidak jual kepada orang sini (tempatan), awak kalau mahu, beli di tempat lainlah,'' katanya sebelum meminta kami beredar.

Berdasarkan tinjauan, setiap kolam berkenaan mempunyai dua paip saliran, paip masuk dan keluar yang berfungsi mengalirkan air kumbahan kandang babi yang kemudiannya terus ke dalam parit di sebelah ladang terbabit.

Sisa dan air kumbahan yang disalurkan ke dalam kolam dipercayai mendap ke bawah dan menjadi 'makanan' ikan manakala mendapan itu pula menyebabkan permukaan kolam seolah-olah diselaputi lumut.

Dianggarkan lebih 100,000 ekor ikan keli diternak di 10 kolam yang dikawal rapi dan tidak boleh dimasuki pihak luar.

p/s: Ini adalah realiti pasaran ikan keli sekarang....100,000 bermakna 16 tan ikan keli bersedia untuk dikeluarkan. Fikirkan lah..mulakan langkah dari sekarang....alternatif yang halal tersedia...yang penting adalah semangat dan kerjasama...


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Untuk Makluman Semua Kursus Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli Siri Ke-24 akan di adakan pada 23 MEI 2009.

Datanglah beramai-ramai...
Ebook Panduan Asas Ternakan Ikan Keli (Siri 1) akan dijual MURAH pada harga RM30 sahaja khas untuk peserta kursus Siri Ke-24
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Kursus Asas Penternakan Ikan Keli Sesi-22



Kursus Asas Siri Ke-22 telah dijalankan dengan jayanya pada 02 Mei 2009. Sesi kali ini hanya merangkumi hanya kurang daripada 20 orang peserta yang datang dari jauh antaranya dari Sibu, Miri, Saratok dan sebagainya...

Kursus Asas Siri Ke-23 akan diadakan pula pada 09 Mei 2009 ditempat yang sama iaitu di Pejabat Urusan Ainul Agrobased di Batu 4 Jalan Matang, Kuching (Di belakang E-Mart, Kuching)

Bagi peserta kursus yang ingin mendapatkan gambar kenangan semasa kursus, anda boleh ke untuk memuatturun gambar kursus..
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Ich! What are those white spots on my fish?


Ich or Whitespot Disease is perhaps the most common disease encountered by freshwater aquarists everywhere, both beginning and advanced. It is caused by a protozoan parasite with a complex life cycle - in order to understand how to treat it successfully, you will need to understand a few things about this life cycle.

Low levels of Ich usually result in fish that scratch against inanimate objects in the tank, such as gravel and ornaments. Research has shown that fish can develop partial immunity to low levels of pathogens in their water and establish a tentative balance. Scratching itself should not be cause for real alarm, because some fish can live for years in this state if otherwise kept in optimal conditions, but they should be closely observed just in case. Sudden changes in their environment, such as temperature/pH fluctuations, bad water quality, overcrowding, etc. can disrupt this delicate equilibrium and spur on serious outbreaks of disease (these conditions cause stress, which suppresses the fish's natural immunity). Of special note here are tanks that have not completed cycling (only just set up, but which don't have established nitrifying bacteria in the filter yet), tanks that were overstocked almost overnight, and cases of sudden changes in ambient room temperature. These are especially common in the fall and winter, when ambient temperatures can change so fast that the heater's thermostat lags behind and gives your fish "the chills". Note that, in all these scenarios, Ich should be understood as a consequence of poor fishkeeping conditions, and there´s no point in worrying about treating this consequence without first attacking and correcting the cause of the poor conditions in which the fish are living.

An outbreak of serious Ich will look like white grains of salt on the skin of your fish, from 0.3 to 1.0 mm in diameter. Each individual spot is actually an adult parasite known as the Trophont, which has been enveloped in the pus and tissue of the infected fish's skin and slime layer. Heavy infestations can be very dangerous if they reach the gills or cause secondary bacterial infections, so Ich is definitely not a disease to be treated lightly. If allowed to progress to the point where the fish is very ragged in appearance and hanging near the surface, displaying a lot of respiratory distress, it can be fatal.

The white spots, however, only indicate one stage of Ich (the only one that can be seen by the naked eye). After infecting the fish, the adult organism falls off into the gravel and becomes encysted in a free-living dormant stage known as a Tomont. THIS CYST STAGE IS INVULNERABLE TO MEDICATIONS. This is the reason why a raise in temperature is suggested IN CONJUNCTION with Ich speeds up the life cycle and makes the stages that are treatable come around faster. If you do raise the temperature, do so very slowly so as not to stress the weak fish further. Raise it no more than 1-2°C every day, and do not allow this temperature to fluctuate. Also, consider the types of fish you are keeping...most tropicals can tolerate as high as 30-31°C, but most Goldfish will start to languish in the high 20's, so don't push them any further.

Depending on the water temperature, the encysted stage will take from several hours to several days to divide into 200-800 larvae, called Theronts. These must find a host fish within a short window of time or die. They usually infest fish when they scratch against the gravel, continuing the cycle of disease. Usually, all 3 stages will be present within the same tank, but the larval Theront stage is the one that medications and treatments really target.

Luckily, there are a number of very effective treatments available on the market. Some of the most popular include:

QuickCure by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals
Coppersafe by Mardel Laboratories
Super Ick Cure by Jungle Labs

If used correctly, most of these meds have a high success rate, but keep in mind that they are strong treatments that will probably kill your plants (if you have planted tanks, remove fish and treat them separately). Also, with malachite green based meds such as QuickCure, be extra careful and halve the dosage for Catfish and Tetras, which are extra sensitive to the ingredients (and can easily die before they are cured). Treat all fish for at least a week, even contrary to the directions on the label, if you want to prevent reoccurrence later. As can be seen from the complex life cycle, Ich is a tenacious disease that is difficult to eradicate.

Some recommend the addition of aquarium salt (NaCl salt, not to be confused with Marine salt, which contains buffers and should not be used on FW fish) at the concentration of 1 tablespoon per 20 liters with this treatment. This low level of salt (not to be confused with true brackishness) will serve to help wounds heal faster by hyperosmalarity, add electrolytes to help decrease osmotic stress, and also discourage the growth of the parasite. However, salt should be used with extreme caution, since not all fish will tolerate its addition. In particular, do not use salt with sensitive soft water Tetras such as Neons, Cardinals and Glow-Lights, scaleless Catfish (which can be easily burned by it if salt is not pre-dissolved) or live plants.

Through all treatments, temperature should be kept as steady as possible (once it is raised to speed the life cycle), and water changes should be done regularly just as they normally would be (keeping the dosage constant by replacing the amount which is lost with each change). Carbon should be removed from the filter to keep it from absorbing the medication.

With good prevention techniques - buying only healthy fish from reputable LFS, quarantine, keeping the water quality high, and sticking to rules of not overstocking - and some luck, you may never see another case of Ich again.

NOTE 1: There are literally hundreds of diseases that can strike down the fish we keep in home aquaria. Just because your fish is sick, does not mean that they necessarily have ich - fish diseases can have protozoan, macroparasitic, fungal, bacterial, viral, genetic, environmental, and other causes, and all are treated differently. Unless your fish is exhibiting the characteristic salt grain spots, there is no reason to jump to the conclusion that Ich is the cause and start treating for it.

NOTE 2: I have seen posts arguing that Malachite Green increases in toxicity to fish as the temperature increases. You may want to reconsider your decision to use Malachite Green if you intend to raise the temperature at the same time, or if you already maintain your temperature at a higher level than normal. For the record, I have not personally experienced this problem.

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Treating White Spot Disease


White Spot Disease, also known as Ich or Ick, is a very common problem in aquariums and several different methods of treating it has been developed. In this article, we will take a close look at salt and malachite green. If salt or malachite green is the best available treatment for your particular aquarium depends on several different factors, including which species you keep and how sensitive they are to salt. Salt as well as malachite treatment is often combined with an increased water temperature and added aeration.

Malachite green treatment

Malachite green must be accurately dosed since it is a powerful chemical that will kill you fish if you overdo it. Some species are less tolerant to malachite green than others and it is therefore a good idea to research your species to find out how much malachite green they can handle. Many manufacturers recommend one drop of their product for each gallon of water in the aquarium to treat White Spot Disease, but a lot of producers sell really concentrated malachite green where one drop/gallon will not be safe to use on sensitive fish species.

A dose of 0.05 milligrams malachite green per liter water is generally considered safe when used for three successive treatments (one every other day) but calculating it can be a bit tricky since different bottles contain different concentrations of malachite green. Look for the concentration listed on the bottle of the medication. It will normally be in percent, so you need to convert it into milligrams per milliliter. 1 percent equals 1 gram per 100 milliliters of water. A 0.5% malachite green solution will for instance contain 5 mg/milliliter. The recommended dose written on the bottle is often 1 drop per gallon (in the U.S.), and since 1 milliliter is about 15 drops, such a dose will create a concentration much higher than 0.05 milligrams per liter. This is why many aquarists have such bad experiences from malachite green; if you follow the dose recommended by the manufacturer you will often overdose and harm sensitive species. If you purchase a 0,75% malachite green solution, add no more than 4 drops per 10 gallons of water.

Marine salt treatment

The Ich parasite does no like salt and using aquarium or marine salt is therefore a good way of getting rid of it, provided of course that you keep fish species that can tolerate the increased salinity. The high salinity should be maintained for two weeks to be sure that all parasites are really gone. Bringing the salinity up to 5 ppt (parts per thousand) will kill nearly always kill the parasites, but may be too strong for salt intolerant fish. If you keep catfish or equally sensitive species, bring the salinity no higher than 2 ppt and hope for the best.

Temperature and aeration

The use of malachite green or salt is often combined with an increased water temperature when combating White Spot Disease, sine this speeds up the life cycle of the parasite. If you decide to boost up the temperature you should ideally also provide additional aeration since cool water holds oxygen better than warmer water. The increased water temperature will simultaneously increase the metabolism of your fish, which in turn increases their need for oxygen. Since Ich parasites frequently attached themselves to the gills of fish and destroys them, it is easy to understand that an increased water temperature can be very difficult for the diseased fish to handle. Adding additional aeration and keeping the oxygen levels really high will aid them in their struggle.
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Common bacterial disease found in dead catfish


Preliminary test results have found a common bacterial disease in one of the hundreds of dead catfish found along the shores of the Ottawa River, although there's no indication yet that it's the cause of death.

Columnaris, a bacteria that enters fish through gills or the mouth, was found during tests on one of the fish that washed up on the shoreline last week.

Ministry of Natural Resources official Doug Skeggs told CBC News the result is very preliminary but added that it gives investigators something to go on. Growth of the bacteria is increased in warmer water.

Earlier, officials with the Ministry of Natural Resources said a period of warm weather at the end of July and higher than normal concentrations of algae may have contributed to the deaths of the fish.

Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources said it's now investigating 60 kilometres of shoreline, more than double the area originally thought to be affected.

The area now extends from Chenaux Dam near Portage-du-Fort east to Constance Bay, about 15 kilometres west of Ottawa.

Don't eat fish or swim in river

Crews from Natural Resources headed back to the river on Wednesday to examine more dead catfish and collect live ones for testing.

Officials have repeated earlier warnings to residents of Renfrew County, asking them to avoid swimming in and drinking from the section of the river under investigation.

"There is nothing that we're aware of that is a concern for human health at this point," said Doug Skeggs, a spokesman with the Ministry of Natural Resources.

"Strictly as a precautionary measure, the Renfrew County health unit has advised people, while we don't know what has caused this, to not swim in the water."

Ministry officials have also warned people not to eat fish caught in the river.

Drinking water OK, city says

Meanwhile, Ottawa Public Health officials said samples taken within the city limits last week showed excellent water quality along the river. No city beaches have been closed.

A spokesperson said there is no threat to Ottawa's drinking water, which is treated after it is taken from the river.
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Hamburger gill disease, catfish - USA


From: Martin Hugh-Jones
From: Chan Yow Cheong, PhD
ProMED-mail Regional Moderator for Asia
-->Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 From: Marjorie P. Pollack pollackmp@mindspring.comSource: Associated Press 30 Nov 1999 [edited]

Hamburger gill disease, catfish - USA

A Georgia researcher has discovered a common minnow can help protect farm-raised catfish from hamburger gill disease, which costs the industry between $50 million and $100 million a year.

Farm-raised catfish have become the fifth most popular food fish in the United States. The industry supplied only 6 million pounds in 1970, but now produces more than 525 million pounds worth about $592 million each year.

Gary Burtle, an aquaculture specialist at the University of Georgia's Coastal Plain Experiment Station in Tifton, has demonstrated that flathead minnows, a common, inexpensive fish bait, offer protection from the hamburger gill disease.

"From the reports I get, it works, but it's not 100 percent,'' Burtle said. "We haven't totally solved this problem, but we have reduced the severity of the infection.''

Hamburger gill disease can kill an entire pond of catfish in as little as 3 days. It damages the gills, making it tough for the fish to get enough oxygen. They eventually suffocate. It is the fourth most common fatal catfish disease.

During his tests, Burtle discovered an almost invisible worm, about a half-inch long and thin as a human hair, harbors the parasite causing hamburger gill disease.

"If you build a pond, you probably will have these worms,'' he said, noting the worm population seems to be higher in freshly dug ponds, or ponds having been emptied and refilled.

The worm, known as _Dero digitata_, is found all over the world. It is a host for a protozoan releasing spores. The spores get trapped in the catfish's gills, leaving them looking like hamburger meat.

"We tried to find chemicals to combat the parasite, but we decided chemicals that would kill the worms would kill the catfish,'' Burtle said. "We looked for a fish that would be very effective at seeking these worms out in the mud. The carp was best, but it grows large and would compete with the catfish for feed.''

Then he decided to try the flathead minnow, which is in the carp family. The 2 1/2- to 3-inch (8-9cm) minnow is olive drab on top and white on the bottom.

"We place them in beakers with the worms and they eat them in seconds,'' Burtle said.

Fish farmers are already using the minnows in Georgia, South Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama and Florida, Burtle said. He recommends about 10 pounds for each acre of pond.

Burtle said fish farmers could conduct monitoring programs to detect the worms, but they would be considerably more expensive and time consuming.

"We're suggesting they stock the minnows,'' he said. "They take about a month to reduce the population to a non-threatening level.''
[We have the scientific name of the worm vector but not of the actual parasite that does the damage. Could it be _Trichophyra_? Can anyone help? - Mod.JW]
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New Vaccines for Aquaculturists


Like people, fish have their share of diseases and need vaccines to keep them healthy. Agricultural Research Service scientists at Auburn, Alabama, have developed several of these vaccines and are now closing in on one that protects fish from a Streptococcus bacterium.
The agency's Aquatic Animal Health Research Laboratory is developing a new vaccine against Streptococcus iniae, says Phillip H. Klesius, who heads the Auburn unit. "S. iniae is an emerging bacterial pathogen in cultivated tilapia, hybrid striped bass, rainbow trout, yellowtail, eel, and turbot. Worldwide, streptococcal infections are reported in 22 fish species, both cultured and wild," he says.
S. iniae is recognized as one of the most problematic bacterial pathogens in intensively cultured tilapia and hybrid striped bass in the United States. Development of good health management practices and a vaccine to control it is a superior approach to using antibiotics or chemicals, Klesius says.
Klesius, ARS molecular biologist Craig A. Shoemaker, and ARS aquatic pathologist Joyce J. Evans are co-developing the vaccine. This team combines unique expertise in fish disease prevention. Members conduct basic research to understand immunity, transmission, and infection—particularly in hybrid striped bass and tilapia.
"We found the S. iniae bacterium possibly enters the nostrils of the fish from the water," says Evans, who is with the Auburn unit but based at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland. She is researching fish health problems associated with fish kills and aquatic pathogens. "Finding out how bacteria enter and travel through the fish may aid in development of an effective vaccine," she says.
The higher the density of cultured fish, the more easily S. iniae is transmitted and the higher the mortality, says Shoemaker. "Signs of the disease in fish are abnormal behavior such as erratic swimming, whirling motion at the surface of the water, darkening of the skin, blindness, popeyes, and small lesions on the body, fins, and anus."
Antibiotics are currently used to control the streptococcal disease in fish. Surprisingly, the team's research indicates there are certain negative effects on fish health and immunity after antibiotic treatment for S. iniae. This indicates that antibiotic treatment suppresses streptococcal disease signs but doesn't completely eliminate the bacterium from treated fish.
Vaccine to the Rescue
These new findings are important determinants for developing a successful vaccine to fight S. iniae, which causes $150 million a year in losses. The ARS scientists are designing it to provide lifelong protection. In laboratory studies, it has reduced mortality in tilapia and hybrid striped bass by more than 80 percent.
Popular in Asian countries, tilapia is showing up on more U.S. menus. Since 1997, U.S. fresh and frozen tilapia imports have increased 28 percent and U.S. tilapia cultivation is expanding steadily. Hybrid striped bass consumption and production through cultivation are also increasing rapidly because of rising consumer demand for this excellent-tasting fish.
"We are currently developing plans to test the vaccine on a larger scale throughout the United States," Klesius says. "We are testing effectiveness of both injection and the bath immersion immunization that gives fish farmers more flexibility. This vaccine could potentially save producers money worldwide."
The ARS team has filed for a patent on the new vaccine for use in both small and larger sized fish.
More Catfish Disease Protection
Klesius and Shoemaker recently developed the first approved modified live-bacterium fish vaccine, one that protects young channel catfish against enteric septicemia (ESC). A major catfish disease caused by the bacterium Edwardsiella ictaluri, ESC costs catfish farmers as much as $60 million a year in losses. This new vaccine—made of a live E. ictaluri organism rendered unable to cause disease—prevents infection. ARS has filed for a patent on it. New Vaccines for Aquaculturists
Also called "hole in the head," enteric septicemia is characterized by lesions and holes in the fish's cranium, as well as by a bright-red color at the base of its gills and belly. It accounts for 70 percent of disease losses in catfish but has never been associated with human infection.
"In field studies," Shoemaker says, "the ESC vaccine reduced catfish mortality by 80 percent."
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Poverty alleviation through fish culture:

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Homestead cafish culture in BangladeshFelix Marttin1 and Gertjan de Graaf 21Inland Water Resources andAquaculture Service (FIRI) FAO. Felix.Marttin@fao.org2Nefisco foundation,Lijnbaansgracht 14C, 1015GN AmsterdamThe Netherlands, degraf@nefisco.org


A large part of the population of Bangladesh is poor. The poorest of these poor find themselves in a vicious circle, because they don’t have collateral to prime income-generating activities. Many attempts have been made to break this circle. The micro credit schemes, operated by several NGOs (non-governmental organizations) are a good example of such attempts. The main idea is to give people access to resources with which they can generate an income, with which they then can acquire more resources to generate more income. Instead of providing money or other means to acquire resources to generate income, another approach to the poverty-problem is to try to find a way to generate income with resources available to these poorest people. In Bangladesh, most poor people can work, have access to land on which their shack is built, what the area (or fields) around it can provide, and water.

An income-generating activity making optimal use of these resources is homestead catfish culture, as was practised locally in the project area of the Compartmentalization Pilot Project (CPP) in the central region of Bangladesh. This practice was taken up by the CPP, and further refined into a homestead fish-culture programme. Requirements for this activity are; food for fish, a small pit, water, and catfish fry.

The fish food can be collected from the surroundings of the homestead (snails, bivalves, termites, ants, slaughter waste, etc.). The pit does not have to be large, 1m2 is enough for 50 fry, so it can be dug by the participants themselves. Catfish fry is widely available in Bangladesh, for reasonable prices (between 10 to 50 Taka [= US$0.2 to US$1] (1US$ is equal to about 50 bangladesh Taka) for 50 pieces). After a rearing period of four months the production will be five to six kg of African catfish, which is equal to approximately 400 Taka (=US$8).

The concept of homestead catfish culture

The basic concept of a homestead catfish culture programme is that the poorest people in an area are introduced to an easy method to culture fish in small holes or pits in the ground on the homestead. The African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is used because this fish is known to take up oxygen from air, has a high growth rate, and is very disease resistant. Experience shows that as soon as people are introduced to this method, they adapt it to the possibilities around their homesteads. During and after successfully raising a first batch of fish, the people on and around the involved homesteads develop initiatives for continuation of the activity, such as contacting local fry traders and trying out different food sources locally available. In the programme, initiatives like these are stimulated and form the core of the success of it.

All training of participants was done on site, at the homestead. Field staff worked with around 50 participants per staff member at a time. The first interaction between participants and field staff was during the identification of participants. To ensure selection of the poorest of the poor, a general review of the participants’ situation was made. To be selected for the programme the potential participants had to comply with few criteria. They had to be (a) landless (people owning less then 0.02 ha of land are considered landless in Bangladesh), (b) their general situation had to be poor/desperate, and (c) their house needed to have mud, bamboo or jute walls.

If potential participants fitted all criteria they were asked about their interest in partaking in the programme, which involved them buying fry for a reduced price (10 Taka, 20 US cents) from the field officer. The price was reduced to facilitate cooperation between the field officers and the participants, so that it was possible to visit the participants at certain intervals, and ask questions about their experiences.

During the sale of the fry, four basic rules for catfish culture, which would provide an easy method to grow the fish, were explained to the participants:

  • The fish need to be fed every day, preferably until they do not want to eat anymore.
  • The food can be anything, except grass and plastic. The best food being protein rich food.
  • As soon as the water in the pit starts smelling bad it needs to be changed.
  • During the change of water special attention needs to be paid to the sizes of the fish; these need to be in the same range, to prevent cannibalism.

Two to three days after the sale of fry, the involved field officer paid the participant a visit. This proved to be crucial to the success or failure of the participating household; a number of participants not visited within these three days failed to rear their fish successfully. After the first two contacts, the household was visited every three to four weeks, to monitor progress and to answer any questions concerning fish culture in each pit.

Participating households

Two hundred households participated in the homestead catfish culture programme. The average size of these households was around five. Most male household members (84 percent) had an income-earning job with which they earned on average 49 Taka per day. On the other hand, most of the women in the selected households stayed on the homestead (90 percent) and were not earning money. The women who did earn an income brought home less then men, the average daily income for women was 15 Taka. A small number of children (2 percent) generated an income, on average 22 Taka per day per child. Sixty percent of the children went to school, primary school in most cases being the highest education of these children. On the whole the daily income per household was around 60 Taka.

The participating household members had two to three meals per day, mainly consisting of rice and vegetables. Three times per week the vegetables included pulses (dhal), containing high levels of protein. Twice a week the meals were supplemented with fish, once every two weeks with meat, and once a month chicken was added to the meal. Eggs and milk were consumed less then three times per week.


Women took care of most of the pits (80 percent), men (15 percent) and children (5 percent). Care for the fish consisted mainly of collection of fish-food. This food could be collected from around the homestead, because the catfish eats almost anything. Children from nearby assisted caretakers in the collection of food, because of the interaction children had with the fish while feeding. It turned out that feeding was like a fun game to them. The food supply costs can be considered zero, taking into account that mainly women and children (who do not earn any income) collected the food. The supplied food consisted mainly of snails (46 percent), rice (18 percent), wheat bran (9 percent), rice bran (9 percent), bivalves (5 percent), or slaughter waste (5 percent). In other cases termites, earthworms, wheat powder, cow dung, fish, bread and duckweed were used. On average the water in the pit was replaced every 10 to 12 days. The average time spent on the fish was one hour per day. The caretakers themselves took decisions concerning management of the pits and, more importantly, decided what happened with the fish produced.

Twenty households were not able to grow their fish to marketable size (>75g), due to several reasons:

  • Insufficient guidance by the project staff (not visiting the household within three days after distribution of the fish, not visiting the household every three to four weeks).
  • Not enough time spent on the management of the pit by the responsible person in the household (less then one hour per day).
  • Escaping of fish (after flood, or heavy rain).

Over a six-month period 158 new households took up this method of fish farming, without intervention of the regular programme, a diffusion ratio of 158/200 = 0.79.


African catfish will grow when the temperature of water in which they are kept is higher then 200C. Therefore, for the programme to be successful, a minimum water temperature needs to be guaranteed. This can be done by either having a growth season during summer, or to ensure a supply of water with a minimum temperature of 200C. Some of the participants used to replace the water from their pit daily with tube-well water of 210C.

Environmental aspects

In the homestead fishculture programme the African catfish is being used, because of its earlier mentioned features. These features are unique to the African catfish. The main reason for the preference for the African catfish over the local catfish (Clarias batrachus) is its growth rate. The growth rate of the African catfish is much higher then that of its local relative. Some reservations about the use of this exotic species exist, because of the apparent possible dangers of the use of it. It is popularly believed in Bangladesh that the African catfish is a ferocious predator, capable even of eating small goats. The fear exists therefor that the African catfish will wipe out local fish populations. However, during the approximately 20 years the African catfish is being used in South Asia (and 15 years in Bangladesh), no scientific reports are made concerning possible negative impacts the species might have. Also during the implementation of the homestead fish-culture programme in Bangladesh no evidence was found concerning the ferociousness of this fish, on the contrary, it was perceived as a lazy omnivore, eating whatever comes in front of its mouth.


At present there is a thriving industry in Jessore (southwest Bangladesh) where millions of catfish fry are produced per month. This industry produces for (illegal) export to India, and for the local market. Fry traders all over the country sell the African catfish. Up till now the demand for catfish fry within the project area was low, so the market for these fry traders was of no importance. However, now, with the homestead fish culture programme running, demand is rising and fry traders are moving in to sell their fish. The traders distribute also to homesteads directly, making it possible for women to buy fry at their homesteads.


The sustainability of the programme depends completely on the availability of fry of the species involved. As long as the fry is available the programme has an opportunity to be successful.


The programme used an, for the Indian sub-continent, exotic species. To prevent any problems associated with the use of an exotic species this method should be tried with local species. These species should fulfil the following requirements:

  • Be able to survive in anoxic water
  • Be easy to keep, the fish should be able to eat what is available around the homestead
  • Be fast growing
  • Fry cheap and available
  • Species used must be accepted by participants and the market.

To make sure the African catfish does not become an environmental disaster, research has to be done concerning the ferociousness of the species, before a large-scale programme is set up to spread this method regionally and inter-regionally.

Because participants will use the common resources around their homestead, an impact assessment has to be made on the effect of homestead fish culture on the environment surrounding the homestead.

Although it was not an objective, the programme turned out to have a contribution to the improvement of the situation of women. It seems that it can be a useful tool in projects dealing with gender issues.

The described method turned out to be a highly successful way to reach the poorest segment in the project area concerned. The participants turned out to be highly motivated and very innovative. If the potentially negative aspects of the method after proper research show not to be negative this method should be propagated nationally in Bangladesh, and beyond the Bangladeshi borders.

FAO promotes, through their regular aquaculture programme, the integration of aquaculture into rural livelihoods. The described programme is an excellent example of this integration, with as an additional benefit the mobilization of a group of people which is very difficult to reach with ‘normal’ aquaculture programmes. The ‘ownership’, the possibility to make decisions concerning the application of the method, lies completely with the participants of the programme, giving them responsibility, resulting in a successful application of aquaculture by people from the poorest segment of society. All these factors make for a succesfull grass-root programme which could be followed in any rural development programme. Editors.

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